The final deadline for registering the Abstracts: 10.07.2010
Announcing the abstract evaluation results: 30.07.2010
EXTENDED deadline for sending the Accepted Papers: 10.09.2010
The Accepted Papers and a copy of the tax receipt will be send only to:

To download conference flyer click here

Extra information:

The registration fee, which covers technical facilities, coffee breaks, lunch, and one copy of the Conference proceedings, may be paid by bank transfer to the University of Pitesti’s account available on the Conference website.

1. Full attendant (70 Euro) – registered with paper & attending (max. 2 papers as first author, one volume is included in the registration fee)
2. Students (FREE) – registered with paper & attending (max. 2 papers as first author, one volume is included in the registration fee)

Bank details:

RON payments:
Beneficiary: Conferinta Edu World 2010, Universitatea din Pitesti,
Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana
Branch: Sucursala Pitesti
Address: Republicii, 83, 110014 – Pitesti, Romania
Account (IBAN): RO63RNCB0022013617440001

EURO payments:
Beneficiary: Edu World 2010 Conference, University of Pitesti
Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana
Branch: Sucursala Pitesti
Address: Republicii, 83, 110014 – Pitesti, Romania
Bank Account (IBAN): RO77RNCB0022013617440040

Tax type Euro RON
Full attendant (paper+participation) 70 300
Students FREE
Extra volume 10 50
Transportation from Bucharest Otopeni Airport to Pitesti and back 20 80
Trip 20 80
Every participant must register him(her)self in order to participate.