- Prof. Dr. Dan POTOLEA, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Peter JARVIS, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Honorific Scientific committee:
- Prof. Dr. Henning Salling OLESEN, President of ESREA, Roskilde University, Denmark
- Prof. Dr. Romiţă IUCU, President of ENTEP, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Nicolae MITROFAN, Dean, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Özcan DEMIREL, President of BASOPED, Hacettepe University, Ankara,Turkey
- Prof. Dr. Nikos P. TERZIS, Honorific President of BASOPED
- Dr. Stylianos MAVROMOUSTAKOS, Vice President EFVET, Training and Development Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus
Members of the Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Steliana TOMA, Technical University for Constructions of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Riitta METSANEN, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Vocational Teacher Education Unit, Hameenlinna, Finland
- Prof. Dr. Mihai ANIŢEI, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Ioan NEACŞU, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Marin MANOLESCU, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Viorel NICOLESCU, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Gheorghe TOMŞA, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Elena BONCHIŞ, University of Oradea, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Florea VOICULESCU, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Rodica NICULESCU, Transilvania University of Brosov, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Constantin CUCOŞ, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Musata BOCOŞ, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Geanina CUCU-CIUHAN, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Ovidiu PÂNIŞOARA, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Dumitru OTOVESCU, University of Craiova, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Gheorghe BÃNICÃ, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Gabriel ALBU, Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Liliana MIHÃILESCU, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Prof. Dr. Simona SAVA, University of Timisoara, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Nevel VASSEL, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
- Associate Prof. Dr. Ali Murat SÜNBÜL, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
- Associate Prof. Dr. Bernard MASSIERA, Sophia Antilopis University, Nice, France
- Associate Prof. Dr. Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Manuela CIUCUREL, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Mihaela PĂIŞI – LĂZĂRESCU, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Lucian CIOLAN, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Magdalena DUMITRANA, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Venera COJOCARIU, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Roxana ENACHE, Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
- Associate Prof. Dr. Gabriela PETRUŢA, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Lecturer Dr. Georgios ZARIFIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Lecturer Dr. Maria PESCARU, University of Pitesti, Romania
- Lecturer Dr. Claudiu LANGA, University of Pitesti, Romania
Secretary of the Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Liliana EZECHIL – University of Pitesti, Romania